Press Release

A seamless gaming experience in the crypto sphere: An interview with Zerpaay World Co-founder



Innovative technologies are nothing new to the online gaming sector. The advent of the internet fifty years ago revolutionized gaming on all levels. The next big disruption in the gaming industry is being caused by blockchain technology and cryptocurrencies.

In recent years, crypto gaming has become the latest craze, appealing to a continually expanding number of players seeking financial gain in addition to amusement. One platform at the forefront of this evolving trend is Zerpaay World.

In an interview with Zerpaay World Co-founder, we talked about the mission and vision of the platform, the $ZRPY token, various rewards offered by the platform, the roadmap, and much more.

1) What was the vision behind creating Zerpaay World? How is the platform revolutionizing the blockchain universe?  

If anyone wants to call Zerpaay ‘just a memecoin,’ well, it’s an insult, to be honest!  This is a burgeoning platform with a grand, long-term vision to give people value in any way that they choose to interact with us.  Want to hold a Major or Colonel NFT and join a team on our Discord to do fun missions each week and earn $ZRPY?  You can do it!  Want to listen to one of our five + live shows on Twitter/X weekly, laugh a lot, and possibly get a $ZRPY reward?  Go for it!  Want to access our play-to-earn gaming platform coming soon and compete for daily/weekly $ZRPY?  Yes!  These are just a few examples of how we provide unique opportunities for massive gamification and fun beyond anyone else in the blockchain or gaming space.  And we’re just getting started!

2) What makes Zerpaay World stand out from other gaming platforms in the crypto space?

Zerpaay World allows you to earn a share of the weekly gaming reward pool, and we will also combine our original, custom-made games with other traditional, time-tested games on our platform. Through amazing and original incentives, people will be excited to compete, increase their power levels to boost earning power, and also can retain value any time they choose to exit the platform.  Our games will be FUN first and foremost, but when combined with the truly amazing tokenomics and structure, it will be a sustainable platform that is unparalleled in this space.

3) What is the procedure to gain access to the Zerpaay World platform?

By holding a Zerpaay ELITE MAJOR or COLONEL NFT as well as a minimum of 5,000 $ZRPY in your wallet, you can connect and begin playing/competing on the platform upon launch.  Early adopters should have the luxury of a higher likelihood of ranking on the games and increasing their $ZRPY reward opportunities.

4) How does NFTS of The Zerpaay Army become a key component of the Zerpaay World ecosystem?

Zerpaay NFTs provide stunning opportunities.  By holding a MAJOR or COLONEL, you can 1) have access to joining a team on our Discord and earn weekly $ZRPY by completing fun missions and 2) have access (with also a minimum holding of 5,000 $ZRPY tokens) to our play-to-earn gaming platform upon launch.

5) Can you elaborate on the internal currency BONES and talk about how the ZRPY Power System works?

Initial ZRPY holdings in your wallet upon connection to the platform will be the first thing that determines your ‘ZRPY POWER’ and subsequent benefits and earning ability.  Once on the platform, the points that are earned from playing the games and ranking in the leaderboard will be an on-platform currency called ‘BONES’.  In terms of raising your ZRPY Power level, these accumulated Bones will equal $ZRPY one-to-one while held on the platform. Upon a decision to convert into ZRPY and remove it from the platform, the Bones will have a 50% BONE-to-$ZRPY conversion rate.  This allows people to ‘cash in’ if they choose, but also provides a healthy incentive to keep the Bones earned ON the platform to maintain their further earning power abilities!

6) Talk to us about the various Advanced Mechanisms and how they help players have a better gaming experience.

Players will have the exciting ability to convert their $ZRPY holdings into PERMANENT ZRPY Power and enjoy a particular power level for LIFE while also earning a BONUS in additional earning ability for doing so.  If they choose ever to leave the platform, they can convert that permanent ZRPY Power into an NFT which they can sell to people on the open market.   Additionally, players will be able to purchase ‘Power Boxes’ which will contain random but lucrative benefits of earning potential bonuses.

7) What are the various rewards and incentives offered by the platform?

While FUN and COMPETITION will be a top priority on the platform, there are several innovative ideas that we’re excited about.  Please refer to our ‘WOOF PAPER’ for full descriptions.  We are delighted to have a platform where everyone can find benefits. Still, those with higher ZRPY Power, will be part of an exclusive group that will have access to more games, more prize pools with fewer competitors, and more overall earning ability.  Through fun-added benefits like the elusive ‘GOLDEN BONE,’ people will have several ways to play, maintain excitement, and reap rewards.

8) What lies ahead on Zerpaay World’s future roadmap?

The beta of our platform will be launched in the first quarter of 2024.  In the second and third quarters, we will have implemented multiple games, our official ZRPY Power structure, and features such as Power Boxes and the Golden Bone.  Before the end of 2024, we aim for at least a dozen live games on the platform, each with live tournaments/challenges and earning capabilities for players.

Our longer-term vision is our focus.  We will be a fully functional and diversified blockchain gaming platform offering a rich and varied experience to its community. The goal is to become a true leader in the play-to-earn and blockchain gaming space. 

For more information on Zerpaay World, please check out their official website, Discord channel, and Twitter page.

 Disclaimer: This is a paid post and should not be treated as news/advice.


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