Education Ecosystem launches new developer relations service to help boost exposure for Tech Companies



Source: Pixabay

Education Ecosystem has announced a new developer-relations service which will provide a boost to developer-focused companies seeking to scale and improve exposure. To go along with this new service, the company has also updated its project roadmap and white paper, outlining the ways they plan to impact the blockchain and DevOps industries.

Source: Education Ecosystem

Education Ecosystem is a decentralized ecosystem for learning about technologies and trying them out hands-on using free practical project examples. Developers use practical projects to learn how to build products from the fields of artificial intelligence, cryptocurrencies, game development, cybersecurity, data analytics, and programming.
Building skills in these fields are particularly desirable for developers hoping to help fill the ever-growing talent gap and earn more in their careers. As a blockchain company, the platform is powered by LEDU tokens and each positive activity ecosystem participants complete, whether they are a viewer, project creator, site moderator or API developer, is rewarded with LEDU tokens.
The new developer-relations-as-a-service [DRaaS] is being offered to developer-focused companies. Through DRaaS automation, Education Ecosystem helps these companies to reach their target audience in a cost-effective way. They provide product evangelism which helps companies to attract more developers, train these developers on how to use their products and ultimately grow their ecosystems.
Per Education Ecosystem’s white paper,
“As of 2018, there were 23 million developers globally. This number is expected to reach 27.7 million by 2023 as the demand for software developers continues to rise. Demand for developers is high, as well as for developer-focused products. GitHub was acquired by Microsoft for $7.5B and GitLab has a current valuation of around $1.1B.”
These valuations validate the size of the DevOps market and the potential opportunity available for developer-focused products.
As a company focused on developers, Education Ecosystem has also added their own Git repository, Education Ecosystem Git. This will automate the uploading of project source code and files, making it easier for project creators and viewers to access project files and save time, creating an even more developer-friendly ecosystem.
About the Education Ecosystem
Education Ecosystem is a decentralized ecosystem for learning about new technologies and trying them out hands-on using free practical projects. They are like GitHub on video and are building the world’s biggest learning ecosystem for developers, starting with the six topics: artificial intelligence, cybersecurity, game development, data science, cryptocurrencies, and programming.
The main participants in the ecosystem are project creators, viewers, moderators, API developers, and developer-focused companies. Try out the Education Ecosystem product and learn more about LEDU coins by visiting their websites.