Flickto: Haskell and smart contracts to help Decentralised Media (DeMe)

As speculation around Decentralised Media (DeMe) grows, the technology used on the backend of the protocol is a crucial factor to get right. Every successful tech project begins with the hunt for a dependable and practical tech stack. Bugs are difficult to discover and eliminate in large-scale projects and integrated systems. Correctly picked tools speed up development and ensure that your software is of excellent quality, whereas a poor choice might lead to a loss of time and money.
Haskell is a functional programming language that aids in the development of a robust and high-functional backend for many large companies. Haskell, along with Scala, C++, and Clojure, are frequently used by companies like Facebook, Twitter, and WhatsApp to construct a variety of applications.
So how is Haskell used in the Cardano Ecosystem and in the support of Decentralised Media (DeMe)?
Smart Contracts
Haskell is a powerful, one-of-a-kind functional programming language that, when combined with DeMe, provides unrivaled benefits for blockchain development, superior levels of safety, and memory. The main limitation is that it is one of the most difficult coding languages to master, and finding people who have finished the Plutus Pioneer Program and are qualified to write Cardano smart contracts can be extremely difficult.
Haskell gives programmers a higher level of assurance that the code they’ve written is correct. Assurance and reliability are critical for Cardano’s future, which includes becoming the next global social and financial operating system. We expect an entire ecosystem of decentralized financial services to emerging as a result of the arrival of decentralized applications, tokenization, and smart contracts on Cardano. This will bring billions of dollars worth of value on the blockchain, which will be locked up in smart contracts or managed by decentralized autonomous organizations (DAOs).
A relationship between the two pioneering teams of Clear Contracts, and Flickto seems necessary, with an underlying common goal of lowering the barriers to participation and interaction inside the Cardano ecosystem. DAO management is the tool that may be used for a variety of management protocols, including transaction execution, vote facilitation, and proposal management.
Flickto wants to make a difference as a project by introducing decentralized media (DeMe). DeMe is unique in that it relies on financial instruments such as conditional and unconditional grants for funding, distribution, and royalties. Furthermore, royalties are no longer withheld and allocated to a small group of participants; instead, they are distributed to creators and consumers via open-source software. With the utilization of Haskell and Plutus, the partnership between Flickto and Clear Contracts will spread to a larger community, educating them on how smart contracts can be used while also demonstrating the immense potential of smart contracts through Flickto’s diversification of the media business.
Flickto is set to launch its beta platform towards the end of Q1. The ability to produce smart contracts that utilize both of these computational languages will allow Flickto to run with the best of them. If Flickto wants to continue to shine bright in the Cardano ecosystem, mastering these will be imperative to ensure their mission comes to fruition. With the recent partnership with Clear Contracts, the task of strengthening the back end of their protocol became much easier. Flickto is executing their plan perfectly, and things seem to only be getting better for them.
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