Growing social and NFT industry player ‘Boom’ launches bug-bounty campaign

Boom is a key player in the emerging Social+NFT revolution that will form an important pillar of the incoming metaverse. As a decentralized Social+NFTplatform, Boom allows users to interact with and meaningfully support key opinion leaders around the world whilst earning rewards.
Social+NFT is the Social Revolution of Our Time
After receiving a lot of hype recently, people have started to pick apart what the ‘metaverse’ will actually be. Contrary to many opinions, however, the metaverse will not be any single defined place in cyberspace, but actually, a time when our lives are even more online.
Social+NFT will be the third and highly anticipated pillar in the building of the metaverse, and it will be the biggest change to our social behavior since the advent of the Internet. As, As social animals, we all share a desire to be a part of a community and seek meaningful engagements with one another.
Boom is Ahead of the Game
Boom is the social platform for the next stage in the decentralized revolution. Utilizing the power of NFTs, users on Boom will be in complete control of their assets at all times, choosing where and how to use and display them as they wish.
Boom will also be an opportunity for people to express their opinions in both open and private spaces. Users can share their knowledge of a topic with the world or collaborate with a group of similar-minded individuals to innovate and bring new ideas to life.
Bug Bounty Campaign Details
To celebrate the launch of the Boom Beta, the team is looking to work with passionate community members around the world to make the app better. USDT rewards will be distributed to users who find system bugs, errors, or UX/UI issues. The team will also be accepting app design and function suggestions, issuing rewards to those most useful.
The campaign will last between 7 days between November 17th – 24th.
How to Get Involved
- Follow Boom on Twitter (https://twitter.com/boomapporg) account and join the official Telegram group (https://t.me/Boomapp_org).
- Download the Boom app from the link shared in the Telegram group.
- Create an account and play around with the beta version of Boom.
- Screenshot any bugs or recommendations for optimization.
- Fill out the ‘Bug & Recommendation’ form shared in the Telegram group.
- Wait to receive your USDT rewards.
Bug Campaign Prize Rules
‘Bugs’ refer to issues that affect the function of the application.
– 100 USDT will be given for each MAJOR bug reported
– 50 USDT will be given for each MINOR bug reported.
‘Recommendations’ refer to suggestions of improvements that can be made. Included in recommendations are display errors, UI misalignment, feature ideas, other suggestions that would improve user experience.
– 20 USDT will be given for each excellent suggestion.
– 10 USDT will be given for each admissible suggestion.
Note: There is NO LIMIT to the number of bug or recommendation submissions a user can make.
Bug and recommendation submissions will be assessed for validity by the Boom development team, and rewards will be distributed after the end of the testing period.
What’s Next for Boom?
As the app becomes more and more refined through the beta stage, the Boom development team will look to begin bringing key opinion leaders onto the platform. With the first generation of KoL’s under preparation, more and more promotional events will be organized to attract additional users and organically grow the platform’s reach and popularity.
Aside from a growing community, there is much, much more rich functionality to come, with Boom set to be the next biggest thing in the decentralized revolution. Social+NFT will be the next greatest trend towards establishing a Metaverse, and Boom is spearheading the movement.
Follow Boom on social media to stay up to date with all the latest news and updates:
Twitter: https://twitter.com/boomapporg
Telegram: https://t.me/Boomapp_org
Website: https://www.boomapp.org/
Medium: https://boomapp-org.medium.com/
Disclaimer: This is a paid post and should not be treated as news/advice.