Market Cap
$ 577,369,934
Total Volume
$ 568,722,183
24 Hour
7 Day

L2 Standard Bridged WETH (Base) Price Prediction: 2024, 2025, 2030

L2 Standard Bridged WETH (Base) price prediction, WETH’s price has dumped by -2.87% in the last 24 hours.
L2 Standard Bridged WETH (Base)
Price Prediction
L2 Standard Bridged WETH (Base), WETH could hit $3709.84 in 2024
L2 Standard Bridged WETH (Base)’s price prediction for the most bearish scenario will value WETH at $2133.34 in 2024.
L2 Standard Bridged WETH (Base)’s price prediction for the most bullish scenario will value WETH at $3709.84 in 2024
L2 Standard Bridged WETH (Base)’s previous All Time High was on 24 August 2024 where WETH was priced at $2814.66.

L2 Standard Bridged WETH (Base)’s price at the same time last week was $2467.95. It has moved by 1.16 % in the past week and is currently at $2666.67. Infact, in the past 24 hours, WETH has dumped by -2.87 %. There is a slight bearish sentiment in the crypto market. The long term sentiment, however, remains bullish and WETH could hit $4500.30 in 2025.

The total circulating supply of L2 Standard Bridged WETH (Base) as of writing this article was $216438.59 and the marketcap of WETH remains at $577,369,934. L2 Standard Bridged WETH (Base) price in the longer term is expected to reach a high of $21191.73 in 2035.


For some coins with little to no data points and inexistent historical data the model by default will show a positive price prediction. There is no way for our AI bot to decipher whitepaper, tokenomics and team integrity. The coin's price that you are about to see below can fall drastically depending on many factors, so please invest wisely after checking the team and project's whitepaper. This current price prediction is done by a machine crunching numbers and the model is still in the early beta stages. It should strictly not be taken as an investment advice. Although the best engineers are currently tweaking and updating the algorithm, no human has verified the price predicted below, so please use your discretion and make a decision wisely.


L2 Standard Bridged WETH (Base) Price Prediction

L2 Standard Bridged WETH (Base) has had an eventful 2023. To simplify the latest WETH price prediction, we have divided up the prediction by short term L2 Standard Bridged WETH (Base) price prediction and long term L2 Standard Bridged WETH (Base) price prediction. As of writing this article, WETH had a trading volume of 568,722,183. L2 Standard Bridged WETH (Base) has gone up by 2.83% in the past 30 days.

According to our analysis in the short term, L2 Standard Bridged WETH (Base) price prediction for December 2024 shows the average price of WETH at 3058.81 and the highest possible price for December 2024 would be $3272.93.

Further, according to our analysis in the long term, L2 Standard Bridged WETH (Base) price prediction for April 2025 shows the average price of WETH at 3256.21 and the highest possible price for April 2025 would be $3484.15.

L2 Standard Bridged WETH (Base)'s Short Term Price Prediction

DateAvg PriceLowest PriceHighest Price
22 October 2024$2711.34$2521.54$2901.13
23 October 2024$2723.51$2532.86$2914.15
24 October 2024$2735.56$2544.07$2927.05
25 October 2024$2747.17$2554.87$2939.47
30 October 2024$2810.77$2614.01$3007.52
4 November 2024$2872.52$2671.45$3073.60
14 November 2024$2987.37$2778.25$3196.48
December 2024$3058.81$2844.70$3272.93

L2 Standard Bridged WETH (Base) price prediction 22 October 2024: L2 Standard Bridged WETH (Base)'s price for 22 October 2024 according to our analysis should range between $2521.54 to $2901.13 and the average price of WETH should be around $2711.34.

L2 Standard Bridged WETH (Base) price prediction 23 October 2024: L2 Standard Bridged WETH (Base)'s price for 23 October 2024 according to our analysis should range between $2532.86 to $2914.15 and the average price of WETH should be around $2723.51.

L2 Standard Bridged WETH (Base) price prediction 24 October 2024: L2 Standard Bridged WETH (Base)'s price for 24 October 2024 according to our analysis should range between $2544.07 to $2927.05 and the average price of WETH should be around $2735.56.

L2 Standard Bridged WETH (Base) price prediction 25 October 2024: L2 Standard Bridged WETH (Base)'s price for 25 October 2024 according to our analysis should range between $2554.87 to $2939.47 and the average price of WETH should be around $2747.17.

L2 Standard Bridged WETH (Base) price prediction 30 October 2024: L2 Standard Bridged WETH (Base)'s price for 30 October 2024 according to our analysis should range between $2614.01 to $3007.52 and the average price of WETH should be around $2810.77.

L2 Standard Bridged WETH (Base) price prediction 4 November 2024: L2 Standard Bridged WETH (Base)'s price for 4 November 2024 according to our analysis should range between $2671.45 to $3073.60 and the average price of WETH should be around $2872.52.

L2 Standard Bridged WETH (Base) price prediction 14 November 2024: L2 Standard Bridged WETH (Base)'s price for 14 November 2024 according to our analysis should range between $2778.25 to $3196.48 and the average price of WETH should be around $2987.37.

L2 Standard Bridged WETH (Base) price prediction December 2024: L2 Standard Bridged WETH (Base)'s price for December 2024 according to our analysis should range between $2844.70 to $3272.93 and the average price of WETH should be around $3058.81.

L2 Standard Bridged WETH (Base)'s Long Term Price Prediction

L2 Standard Bridged WETH (Base)’s long term Price Prediction below is a look at WETH’s future prospect with regards to price. L2 Standard Bridged WETH (Base) was last seen at $2666.67, with a market cap of $577,369,934 and trading volumes of $568,722,183. WETH’s price prediction is possible by analyzing historical price action, current developments and social sentiment from the community.

YearsAvg PriceLowest PriceHighest Price

L2 Standard Bridged WETH (Base) price prediction 2024: L2 Standard Bridged WETH (Base)'s price for 2024 according to our analysis should range between $2473.23 to $3709.84 and the average price of WETH should be around $3091.53.

L2 Standard Bridged WETH (Base) price prediction 2025: L2 Standard Bridged WETH (Base)'s price for 2025 according to our analysis should range between $3000.20 to $4500.30 and the average price of WETH should be around $3750.25.

L2 Standard Bridged WETH (Base) price prediction 2026: L2 Standard Bridged WETH (Base)'s price for 2026 according to our analysis should range between $3452.31 to $5178.47 and the average price of WETH should be around $4315.39.

L2 Standard Bridged WETH (Base) price prediction 2027: L2 Standard Bridged WETH (Base)'s price for 2027 according to our analysis should range between $3548.87 to $5323.31 and the average price of WETH should be around $4436.09.

L2 Standard Bridged WETH (Base) price prediction 2028: L2 Standard Bridged WETH (Base)'s price for 2028 according to our analysis should range between $4458.93 to $6688.40 and the average price of WETH should be around $5573.66.

L2 Standard Bridged WETH (Base) price prediction 2029: L2 Standard Bridged WETH (Base)'s price for 2029 according to our analysis should range between $4640.17 to $6960.26 and the average price of WETH should be around $5800.22.

L2 Standard Bridged WETH (Base) price prediction 2030: L2 Standard Bridged WETH (Base)'s price for 2030 according to our analysis should range between $6619.61 to $9929.42 and the average price of WETH should be around $8274.51.

L2 Standard Bridged WETH (Base) price prediction 2031: L2 Standard Bridged WETH (Base)'s price for 2031 according to our analysis should range between $6516.62 to $9774.93 and the average price of WETH should be around $8145.77.

L2 Standard Bridged WETH (Base) price prediction 2032: L2 Standard Bridged WETH (Base)'s price for 2032 according to our analysis should range between $7806.54 to $11709.81 and the average price of WETH should be around $9758.18.

L2 Standard Bridged WETH (Base) price prediction 2033: L2 Standard Bridged WETH (Base)'s price for 2033 according to our analysis should range between $7925.24 to $11887.87 and the average price of WETH should be around $9906.56.

L2 Standard Bridged WETH (Base) price prediction 2034: L2 Standard Bridged WETH (Base)'s price for 2034 according to our analysis should range between $10680.50 to $16020.76 and the average price of WETH should be around $13350.63.

L2 Standard Bridged WETH (Base) price prediction 2035: L2 Standard Bridged WETH (Base)'s price for 2035 according to our analysis should range between $14127.82 to $21191.73 and the average price of WETH should be around $17659.77.

A Historical look at L2 Standard Bridged WETH (Base), WETH’s price


22 October 2024

WETH/Euro Pair

22 October 2024

FAQs about L2 Standard Bridged WETH (Base)

What is the price of L2 Standard Bridged WETH (Base) as of today 22 October 2024?

L2 Standard Bridged WETH (Base)’s current price is $2666.67 and witnessed a -2.87% decrease in the past 24 hours. WETH/BTC pair saw a -0.53% decrease in the past 24 hours

Is WETH a good investment?

Investing in L2 Standard Bridged WETH (Base), WETH will purely depend on your personal risk appetite. As you can see over the past 24 hours L2 Standard Bridged WETH (Base)’s price has witnessed a -2.87% decrease and over the past 30 days L2 Standard Bridged WETH (Base) has increase by 2.83%. So it all depends on if this investment will hit your trading goals.

How high can L2 Standard Bridged WETH (Base)’s price go this year in 2024?

According to our latest L2 Standard Bridged WETH (Base) Price prediction for 2024, WETH should vary between $3709.84 and $2473.23. Please keep in mind that the crypto market is very volatile and this L2 Standard Bridged WETH (Base) price prediction does not account for extreme wild swings in price.

How much will the L2 Standard Bridged WETH (Base) be worth in 2024 ?

As per the L2 Standard Bridged WETH (Base) price prediction 2024 model above, WETH’s price for October 2024 should range between $2473.23 to $3709.84 with the average price for October being $3091.53

How much will L2 Standard Bridged WETH (Base) be worth in 2025?

According to the L2 Standard Bridged WETH (Base) Price Prediction model above, WETH’s price in 2025 would be $3750.25. This price would however would range from $4500.30 and $3000.20.

How much will L2 Standard Bridged WETH (Base) be worth in 2026?

According to the L2 Standard Bridged WETH (Base) Price Prediction model above, WETH’s price in 2026 would be $4315.39. This price would however would range from $5178.47 and $3452.31.

How much will L2 Standard Bridged WETH (Base) be worth in 2027?

According to the L2 Standard Bridged WETH (Base) Price Prediction model above, WETH’s price in 2027 would be $4436.09. This price would however would range from $5323.31 and $3548.87.

How much will L2 Standard Bridged WETH (Base) be worth in 2028?

According to the L2 Standard Bridged WETH (Base) Price Prediction model above, WETH’s price in 2028 would be $5573.66. This price would however would range from $6688.40 and $4458.93.

How much will L2 Standard Bridged WETH (Base) be worth in 2029?

According to the L2 Standard Bridged WETH (Base) Price Prediction model above, WETH’s price in 2029 would be $5800.22. This price would however would range from $6960.26 and $4640.17.

How much will L2 Standard Bridged WETH (Base) be worth in 2030?

According to the L2 Standard Bridged WETH (Base) Price Prediction model above, WETH’s price in 2030 would be $8274.51. This price would however would range from $9929.42 and $6619.61.

How much will L2 Standard Bridged WETH (Base) be worth in 2031?

According to the L2 Standard Bridged WETH (Base) Price Prediction model above, WETH’s price in 2031 would be $8145.77. This price would however would range from $9774.93 and $6516.62.

How much will L2 Standard Bridged WETH (Base) be worth in 2032?

According to the L2 Standard Bridged WETH (Base) Price Prediction model above, WETH’s price in 2032 would be $9758.18. This price would however would range from $11709.81 and $7806.54.

How much will L2 Standard Bridged WETH (Base) be worth in 2033?

According to the L2 Standard Bridged WETH (Base) Price Prediction model above, WETH’s price in 2033 would be $9906.56. This price would however would range from $11887.87 and $7925.24.

How much will L2 Standard Bridged WETH (Base) be worth in 2034?

According to the L2 Standard Bridged WETH (Base) Price Prediction model above, WETH’s price in 2034 would be $13350.63. This price would however would range from $16020.76 and $10680.50.

How much will L2 Standard Bridged WETH (Base) be worth in 2035?

According to the L2 Standard Bridged WETH (Base) Price Prediction model above, WETH’s price in 2035 would be $17659.77. This price would however would range from $21191.73 and $14127.82.

What was the highest price of L2 Standard Bridged WETH (Base)?

The highest price for L2 Standard Bridged WETH (Base) was recorded in 24 August 2024 during which WETH hit an All Time High of $2814.66

What is the price of 1 L2 Standard Bridged WETH (Base)?

The price of 1 L2 Standard Bridged WETH (Base) according to current market rate is $2666.67