
Will President Biden’s budget proposal close crypto tax loopholes?

Biden’s unveils measures to close tax loopholes and reshape the digital asset landscape.



President Joe Biden’s proposed budget for the upcoming fiscal year introduces a series of regulatory measures targeting the rapidly expanding digital asset market. 

These initiatives encompass a range of strategies aimed at harnessing the potential of cryptocurrencies while also addressing tax loopholes that disproportionately benefit the wealthy and major corporations. 

Released on the 11th of March, The White House statement read, 

“President Biden has fought to build a fairer tax system that rewards work, not wealth.”

Addressing the same, Joe Biden took to X (formerly Twitter) and stated,

“Trump’s $2 trillion tax cut overwhelmingly helped the wealthy, but not the vast majority of the American people. Republicans may not like it, but I will make sure the wealthy pay their fair share.”

Tackling tax loopholes

Among the key proposals are the implementation of wash trading rules, the introduction of a crypto mining tax, and additional regulations aimed at bolstering tax revenue.

Officials estimate that these measures could generate nearly $10 billion in revenue by 2025, with projections suggesting the figure could exceed $42 billion over the next decade.

The statement further highlighted, 

“The Budget seeks to end a special tax subsidy for cryptocurrency and certain transactions that currently allow crypto investors to report excessive losses.”

This move underscored the government’s commitment to leveling the investment playing field and ensuring tax equity. 

A step towards transparency and equality 

Emphasizing the importance of enhancing reporting requirements, the statement made clear, 

“The Budget aims to address this issue by modernizing anti-abuse rules to apply to crypto assets, aligning them with regulations governing stocks and other securities.”

The statement added

“Unlike investors in stocks or bonds, crypto investors can sell cryptocurrency at a loss, claim a significant tax deduction to reduce their tax liability and repurchase the same cryptocurrency the next day. This practice exploits a gap in the tax code, allowing for unfair advantages.” 

This reflected a concerted effort to bolster tax enforcement measures in the rapidly evolving landscape of digital assets.

While the proposed mining excise tax and measures are not new, their reintroduction by the Biden administration signals a renewed effort to tackle regulatory challenges in the digital asset space. 

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