
Can Rocket Pool provide Polygon a boost in the DeFi sector

Polygon’s integration of Rocket Pool’s rETH brings growth prospects, but the performance of DEXes and MATIC token’s sentiment will shape its DeFi journey.



  • Rocket Pool’s rETH integration on Polygon opens new opportunities for growth in the competitive DeFi sector.
  • The performance of Polygon’s DEXes and MATIC token’s market sentiment influences its trajectory.

The DeFi space has become increasingly crowded in recent years, with dominant players holding sway. As a result, networks like Polygon have faced difficulties entering this space.

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In the highly competitive DeFi sector, various Liquid Staking Derivatives (LSD) protocols have been experiencing significant growth.

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However, Polygon has the potential to benefit from the LSD space as the proposal to bring rETH to Polygon’s zkEVM gains momentum. The expansion of rETH to Polygon’s zkEVM will be facilitated by a community developer’s launch of a rate provider, incentivized by Polygon Labs with $50k USDC to foster liquidity growth.

This development opens up exciting opportunities to pair rETH with stablecoins and utilize it as collateral on platforms like Aave and QiDao. The integration of oracles and rETH/USDC pools will further enhance liquidity and streamline liquidations within the Polygon protocol.

In addition to the introduction of rETH, other factors will also impact Polygon’s future in the DeFi sector. The performance of Polygon’s decentralized exchanges (DEXs) is critical.

At present, Meshwap, a popular DEX on the network, has witnessed a decline of 7.8% in terms of unique active wallets using the protocol. Consequently, the transaction volume on the platform has also fallen during this period.

Source: Dapp Radar

As one of the largest collections on Polygon’s NFT space, y00ts has experienced substantial growth in its average floor price. However, its volume has declined by 49.2% over the last week, and the number of wallets holding this collection also significantly decreased.

Source: Dapp Radar

MATIC takes a hit

Examining the token associated with Polygon, MATIC, we observe a similar pattern. Its price has fallen significantly in recent weeks, accompanied by a decline in network growth. This suggests a loss of interest from new addresses in the token.

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Furthermore, the decline in MVRV ratio indicates reduced profitability for current MATIC holders and lower selling pressure. However, the long/short difference indicates that many of these addresses are short-term holders who are likely to sell their holdings at the first sign of profit.
