FTMCRAZY: Introducing the new hybrid ROI DApp project in the crypto world

Dapps or Decentralized Applications has become a buzzword in the crypto-world over the past 3 years. For the uninitiated, the term dApp refers to a blockchain-based application that runs on a decentralized network and uses its resources. Decentralized apps normally have no central point of failure, have open source code, and work with a decentralized consensus mechanism. The downtime of these decentralized apps is also eliminated. They are resistant to interference by individuals, corporations, or governments because they do not have any central authority.
Recently, ROI Dapps have been gaining investor attention. These types of dApps promise a return on investment that the user can withdraw at any time from the smart contract. ROI Dapps have been gaining in popularity, with the AvalancheFomo project being one of them.
Introducing the FTMCRAZY.COM Project
FTMCRAZY is a hybrid ROI DApp project that is built on the FANTOM Network. The developers behind the project chose the FANTOM network for its larger audience, cheaper transaction fee, and matured investors. As ROI Dapps are normally a high-risk investment, choosing FANTOM community-driven network will be beneficial for investors.
The main aim behind this project is to ensure investors get financial and time freedom without the hindrance created by the current economic crisis. By tapping into the bear cryptocurrency market, FTMCRAZY is well-positioned to become one of the most sought-after ROI Dapps in the world.
The contract starts on the 22nd of March, 2022
Features of FTMCRAZY.COM
The FTMCRAZY ROI dApp has a lot of salient features that differentiate it from other normal ROI Dapps. These include the following:
- Investors can deposit any amount above 5 FTM as there is no maximum capped amount.
- There is a 5-10% withdrawal fee which is re-invested into the contract to sustain it.
- Investors can get 112% to 564.8% return on investment in 14 to 28 days (from 8% to 20% daily).
- If users don’t make a withdrawal every day, will get extra bonus: a hold bonus. That means investors can get more profit.
- Hold-bonus add 0.1% per day, max is 1.5%.
- Referral bonus will auto-send in the wallet.
- FTMCRAZY provides a functional calculator that easily allows users to calculate profits.
Earnings every moment, withdraw any time if you use capitalization of interest you can withdraw only after the end of your deposit Investment Plans We have two types of tariff plans with different periods and percentages of profitability
How to start investing at FTMCRAZY.COM?
Before investing at FTMCRAZY, you will need either the Metamask or Trustwallet application. To integrate your Metamask wallet, you have to complete the following steps.
Open your Metamask browser extension. You can do this by clicking the top right corner of the browser.
To access the settings, click on the logo of your account found at the top right of the Metamask App.
After getting the list of different settings, click on the “network” tab. Click on the “add network” button after this.
MetaMask will require several bits of information such as Network Name, New RPC URL, ChainID, Symbol and Block Explorer URL. The information you will need to enter to add the FANTOM Network is provided on the official website.
After entering the network details, all you have to do is connect the MetaMask wallet. To do this, click on the current network and then on Fantom Opera Mainnet.
Starting to invest at FTMCRAZY is as simple and straightforward as it gets. Users must start by visiting https://ftmcrazy.com/ and complete the following steps.
First, you have to decide how much funds you want to invest. Do this by keeping an eye out for the current value of all tokens involved.
After you have decided on the amount, check to see whether the amount is sufficient for your investment which is inclusive of the gas fee.
Investors are advised to use the profit calculator provided by FTMCRAZY . The profit calculator gives an almost accurate idea about the ROI that you will receive at the end of the tenor.
Finally, when the funds are ready, click on the “Stake FTM” button on the website, to begin the deposit process.
With a simple click, you will become a proud FTMCRAZY investor.
DApps are completely free from any single authority by implementing the principle of smart contracts. P2P systems like these ensure that decentralized systems continue working even if significant parts of the network halt. ROI dApps like FTMCRAZY are positioned to maximize the returns that get. This new breed of ROI dApps provides an incentive to a newer class of crypto enthusiasts and investors to expand the network.
Disclaimer: This is a paid post and should not be treated as news/advice.