California Super Computing Network Technology Inc [CSCNT Inc.], a California based startup, reached an agreement with UC Berkeley to jointly work on software and system research for providing cloud computing services based on the utilization of idle consumer computing resources. CSCNT is backed by Anbince, a venture capital firm focusing on blockchain investment.
The creator of BOINC platform and renowned scientist in grid computing research, professor David Anderson from UC Berkeley, will be guiding some sections of the research. CSCNT Inc. plans to upgrade the BOINC system, taking it to the next level using blockchain technology and token economy.
BOINC is the world’s largest open-source platform offering grid computing, which is utilized by many scientific research projects worldwide. BOINC development originated with a team based at the Space Sciences Laboratory [SSL] at the University of California, Berkeley. The team was led by David Anderson, who also headed SETI@home. As a high-performance distributed computing platform, BOINC brings together more than 4 million volunteers and over 600,000 active computers [hosts] worldwide, processing around 30 PetaFLOP. This is the world’s fifth largest computational resource, in comparison to other powerful supercomputers.
[Photo: BOINC Planet Initiative team]
The CNCST team was invited to attend BOINC 2019 workshop in Chicago this July 9th-12th to meet the community leaders and volunteers from all over the world. The team shared their thoughts and strategies to grow the community and improve the software. BOINC’s annual gathers all community leaders, volunteer developers and project initiators to network and learn the latest status of current projects, to discuss the issues and to brainstorm ideas for community development.
[Photo: CSCNT team was meeting BOINC community leaders and volunteer developers at IBM building in Chicago]
[Presentation link can be accessed at YouTube]
[Photo: Jason Lee, CEO of CSCNT Inc, was presenting BOINC Planet Initiative]
- To improve the client-end application and user-friendliness. CSCNT team has tremendous expertise in developing user-centric products from their past successful user-centric projects.
- To promote the platform and to engage contributors with more comprehensive marketing strategies. Social media, online and offline activities are all effective means to educate and to attract more supporters.
- To expand the community to the Asian markets. CSCNT team will take the lead to build the Asian community by working with the top media ChainDD Inc. The team will aim to educate people who are new to this good cause, and to recruit more contributors to share their idle computing resources.
- To introduce the token economy, rewarding the current contributors, and to attract more contributors who will get paid with tokens for sharing their computing resources. The native cryptocurrency COP will be used to compensate the contributors based on the consensus mechanism called Proof of Valuable Computing [PoVC]. With the design of PoVC the computing power will be used to support scientific research needs, instead of solely mining for the coins as in the case of Bitcoin. The CSCNT team believes this mercenary, for-profit force will become a main growth driver, building upon the solid foundation of BOINC set by the vast group of enthusiasts and volunteers.
- To upgrade the current distributed computing infrastructure based on BOINC to handle more complicated computing tasks.
The CSCNT team is made up of super fans of BOINC and all of them are science enthusiasts since childhood. With the goal of turning computing resources into a commodity, they made the commitment to bring the processing power of BOINC platform to 100 PetaFLOP, 3 times of the current level, by connecting more idle devices before the company tries to make any profits. As CSCNT team deeply believes “doing well by doing good”, they are confident that their BOINC Planet Initiative will succeed by gaining a lot of support from the community, technology experts, partners and financial sponsors as their aspiration in science and belief in technology resonate with people by their vision that computing power revolution powered by the blockchain and token economy will change the human civilization.
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