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Instant Crypto Swaps upgraded: LetsExchange adds new features and coins

5min Read

Share this article, an instant multi-currency exchange service launched in early 2021, has streamlined its exchange flow and platform performance amid the fast growth of its user base.

The updated features are part of an extensive upgrade plan that LetsExchange is undertaking in several stages.

Exchange Flow

Traders and investors that have used in the past will immediately notice a new design of its all-in-one exchange widget. It makes the entire exchange flow intuitive and straightforward. 

A user selects an exchange pair, an amount of crypto to convert, and indicates their receiving wallet address. At this step, it’s also possible to exclude slippage during the transaction execution by selecting the fixed-rate option. Floating rates are available as well. Then, the user only needs to send the exchange amount to the indicated deposit address. Once done, the platform performs the exchange automatically and the funds are sent to the user’s receiving wallet address.

As a non-custodial instant exchange service, LetsExchange doesn’t require users to sign up in order to swap crypto on the platform. They don’t have to undergo KYC and AML checks either. The only thing they need is a cryptocurrency wallet to send and receive coins since LetsExchange doesn’t store or manage users’ funds. All of this ensures the anonymity of LetsExchange users and the security of their assets.

Platform Performance

As part of the upgrade, LetsExchange has also increased its server capacity. This was necessary to ensure fast and hassle-free swaps amid the platform’s steady growth. 

Exchange algorithms including LetsExchange’s SmartRate technology have been updated to facilitate a smooth exchange experience. 

The liquidity provided by the platform is not limited to its own capacities. LetsExchange is also integrated with multiple major crypto exchanges. When a user initiates a swap on, its algorithms instantly compare current cryptocurrency rates across all the featured platforms. The most profitable rate is selected and offered to the user.

Thanks to the update, LetsExchange has increased the number of offers monitored and compared for each exchange request by nearly 35%. What’s important, this doesn’t affect the speed of request processing as the best available option is selected literally in a flash. 

Range of Coins

Due to the integration with multiple liquidity providers, LetsExchange is able to support a massive amount of coins and tokens. 

The exchange service kicked off its activities with around 200 coins supported. This range is constantly expanding and has already grown to nearly 220 cryptocurrencies. 

LetsExchange was among the first exchanges to list some of the most in-demand and talk-about new coins of 2021 such as SafeMoon and Shiba Inu. All well-established major coins are also available for registration-free swaps on 

Features Overview

The streamlined exchange flow and upgraded platform performance augment a comprehensive set of features and benefits provided by LetsExchange for crypto traders and investors. 

As a non-custodial exchange, it doesn’t provide in-house cryptocurrency wallets and advanced trading options such as stop-limit orders or leverage and margin. Instead, it’s optimized to cater to crypto enthusiasts that want to exchange one coin for another on the best terms, without any restrictions. This is achieved through the following set of features.

  • Registration-free access. Signing up is not needed to swap cryptocurrency on You only need to enter your swap details into the platform’s redesigned exchange widget.
  • No KYC/AML required. Unlike most custodial exchanges, LetsExchange doesn’t process users’ personal and financial information. 
  • User anonymity. Without the need to sign up and verify their identity, LetsExchange users are able to retain complete anonymity when exchanging crypto.
  • Limitless swaps. Users can exchange as much crypto as they wish. There are no upper limits or other restrictions.
  • Security of a non-custodial service. Users’ funds are stored in their own wallets and secured by them. LetsExchange doesn’t store users’ assets and private keys. Also, stringent security measures are applied to protect the platform from any possible cyber-attack. The exchange’s website has an SSL certificate and DDoS protection. All communications with the server are encrypted.
  • A wide choice of coins. As mentioned above, LetsExchange supports around 220 coins and tokens, which makes nearly 50,000 cryptocurrency pairs available for exchange.
  • Fixed and floating rates. With the fixed-rate option, the platform gives its users the opportunity to secure the estimated rate calculated at the beginning of the exchange process. In this case, the final amount will match the estimate regardless of cryptocurrency price fluctuations that may take place while the swap is processed.
  • 24/7 support. In case of any questions or issues, users can rely on real-time customer service. 

More to Come

While the first stage of the LetsExchange upgrade is complete, more features and benefits for crypto traders and investors are on their way. Detailed exchange statistics, analytics, portfolio management tools are coming soon along with other updates.

LetsExchange has also announced its plans to roll out new language versions of its website to facilitate hassle-free crypto swaps for crypto enthusiasts worldwide. For its partners, the exchange service is preparing an affiliate program with multiple integration options.

LetsExchange is also planning on expanding the range of supported cryptocurrencies to 280 coins and tokens in the near future. And that’s only the beginning.

You can try all the available features on and follow further updates from the platform on Twitter, Reddit, and other social media channels. 

Disclaimer: This is a paid post and should not be treated as news/advice. 


With Masters in Mass communication and journalism, Anjali's interests lie in blockchain technology adoption across emerging economies.
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