Market Cap
$ 3,741,724,492
Total Volume
$ 91,636,329
24 Hour
7 Day

Render Price Prediction: 2025, 2026, 2031

Render price prediction, RENDER’s price has dumped by -0.12% in the last 24 hours.
Price Prediction
Render, RENDER could hit $9.91 in 2025
Render’s price prediction for the most bearish scenario will value RENDER at $5.78 in 2025.
Render’s price prediction for the most bullish scenario will value RENDER at $9.91 in 2025
Render’s previous All Time High was on 17 March 2024 where RENDER was priced at $13.53.

Render’s price at the same time last week was $8.05. It has moved by -9.77 % in the past week and is currently at $7.22. Infact, in the past 24 hours, RENDER has dumped by -0.12 %. There is a slight bearish sentiment in the crypto market. The long term sentiment, however, remains bullish and RENDER could hit $11.42 in 2026.

The total circulating supply of Render as of writing this article was $517697726.69 and the marketcap of RENDER remains at $3,741,724,492. Render price in the longer term is expected to reach a high of $38.79 in 2036.


For some coins with little to no data points and inexistent historical data the model by default will show a positive price prediction. There is no way for our AI bot to decipher whitepaper, tokenomics and team integrity. The coin's price that you are about to see below can fall drastically depending on many factors, so please invest wisely after checking the team and project's whitepaper. This current price prediction is done by a machine crunching numbers and the model is still in the early beta stages. It should strictly not be taken as an investment advice. Although the best engineers are currently tweaking and updating the algorithm, no human has verified the price predicted below, so please use your discretion and make a decision wisely.

RNDR price prediction: Key highlights


1. Primary support and resistance levels

  • RENDER established its lowest support level at $1.4 on the weekly chart. 
  • Its highest resistance level was observed at $11.4.

2. Market sentiment

  • RENDER remains in a bear market as of September 2024.

3. Predictive forecasts

  • Based on predictions from our AI/ML algorithms, the average price of RENDER is expected to be around $15 in 2031 and $25 in 2035.

Uncover essential insights on RENDER via a comprehensive weekly technical analysis, followed by the coming days of the month, upcoming months, and yearly forecast tables derived from our AI/ML-based predictive models:


RENDER technical analysis: Traders brace for more drops


Recognized for its innovative approach to decentralized rendering and artificial intelligence (AI) processing, RENDER has notably positioned itself as a standout amongst AI altcoins. This makes the Render price prediction for 2024 widely important.


The review period commenced in September as the broader market was recovering from the aftermath of a crash. This pushed the asset to reclaim its lowest support at $1.4 mid-month. 

The buying pressure grew in the following months, culminating in the token surpassing $4.4 in mid-December. After a slight retraction, the asset tested it repeatedly in January and decisively surpassed it in February.


The uptrend continued, and a significant price surge in March enabled the token to fly past the psychological threshold of $10.0 and reach $11.4. By mid-month, RENDER moved past it to record a new all-time high (ATH) of over $13.5. Nonetheless, buyers’ inability to sustain high buying levels caused the market to bleed, returning the token to $7.7 by early April.


After stabilizing at this level, the price pumped again towards the end of the month. By early May, the bulls propelled RENDER to retest the highest resistance. AMBCrypto reported that this rise was triggered by increased social activity and whale withdrawals from Binance. 


Furthermore, the uptick was bolstered after Render’s Octane software was briefly mentioned in the Apple keynote presentation, which showcased the M4 chip in its latest iPad.

Nevertheless, investors might have perceived it as a market top as they began to take profits. Spot On Chain highlighted that six whales took advantage of this recent rebound. They booked profits by depositing 7.16 million RENDER tokens, worth approximately $77.9 million, onto Coinbase and Binance. This move allowed them to generate an astounding $60.9 million in profits.


The massive sell-off resulted in the asset losing its double-digit valuation by June. The market remained red throughout the month, compromising the three-month support of $7.7 by mid-month. As the calendar turned to July, the token landed on $6.2. Moreover, by the second week, RENDER topped the weekly losers list. 

The token was rebranded from RNDR to RENDER in late July. Major crypto exchanges supported this transition. Furthermore, the network switched from Ethereum (ETH) to the Solana (SOL) blockchain.

Yet, this major transformation did little to improve the price. The sector-wide pessimism pulled it to $4.4 by the end of the month. AMBCrypto’s analysis pointed out that a short-term price rebound might materialize. However, any uptick in price was unlikely to last, given the minimal demand for the token and widespread market apprehension.


Consequently, the price depreciated after slightly exceeding $6.2 in late August. By September, it returned to $4.4. At press time, the token traded at $5.1


AMBCrypto recently revealed that daily active addresses have declined since July, indicating reduced demand. Meanwhile, the mean coin age has risen over the last six weeks, suggesting a shift towards longer-term holding.

Regardless, short-term holders showed less interest in retaining the coin amid its current downtrend. Therefore, the price can likely fall further to the $4.1-$4.4 range.


However, if this support fails, a further decline to $3.6 or lower to $2.5 might materialize. Buyers would need to flip $7.7 to ignite any hope for a reversal. Reclaiming the double-digit valuation would fuel the uptrend.


The outlook of retesting the $11.4 resistance suggests that with continued bullish dominance, RENDER could aim for further milestones, with aspirations of reaching the ATH


Due to the bearish setbacks, our predictive models maintain a cautious outlook on RENDER, projecting an average price nearing $15 in 2031. This long-term forecast remains moderately optimistic. It anticipates an average trading price of $25 in 2035.


RENDER's 2024 roadmap: Key indicators to watch and trade

  • A resurgence of buying pressure from October onwards gradually recuperated the trading volume. However, it receded from mid-March, mirroring its previous bearish lows.
  • The Relative Strength Index (RSI) climbed above the 50 line by the end of September. Notably, in mid-November, it ventured into the overbought region. The indicator fell below this territory in January only to re-enter as the month ended.
  • After peaking in March, the indicator dropped below 50 by mid-June. The latest recorded value was 43.30, suggesting a bearish outlook.
  • The Chaikin Money Flow (CMF) turned positive in November and remained over the zero line until late July. At the time of writing, it registered at -0.12, highlighting substantial selling pressure. 

Render Price Prediction

Render has had an eventful 2023. To simplify the latest RENDER price prediction, we have divided up the prediction by short term Render price prediction and long term Render price prediction. As of writing this article, RENDER had a trading volume of 91,636,329. Render has gone down by -22.64% in the past 30 days.

According to our analysis in the short term, Render price prediction for March 2025 shows the average price of RENDER at 7.37 and the highest possible price for March 2025 would be $7.88.

Further, according to our analysis in the long term, Render price prediction for July 2025 shows the average price of RENDER at 7.72 and the highest possible price for July 2025 would be $8.27.

Render's Short Term Price Prediction

DateAvg PriceLowest PriceHighest Price
12 January 2025$7.20$6.69$7.70
13 January 2025$7.20$6.70$7.71
14 January 2025$7.21$6.70$7.71
15 January 2025$7.21$6.71$7.72
20 January 2025$7.24$6.74$7.75
25 January 2025$7.27$6.76$7.78
4 February 2025$7.34$6.82$7.85
March 2025$7.37$6.85$7.88
April 2025$7.46$6.94$7.98
May 2025$7.55$7.02$8.07
June 2025$7.64$7.10$8.17
July 2025$7.72$7.18$8.27
August 2025$7.81$7.27$8.36
September 2025$7.90$7.35$8.46
October 2025$7.99$7.43$8.55
November 2025$8.08$7.51$8.65
December 2025$8.17$7.60$8.74

Render price prediction 12 January 2025: Render's price for 12 January 2025 according to our analysis should range between $6.69 to $7.70 and the average price of RENDER should be around $7.20.

Render price prediction 13 January 2025: Render's price for 13 January 2025 according to our analysis should range between $6.70 to $7.71 and the average price of RENDER should be around $7.20.

Render price prediction 14 January 2025: Render's price for 14 January 2025 according to our analysis should range between $6.70 to $7.71 and the average price of RENDER should be around $7.21.

Render price prediction 15 January 2025: Render's price for 15 January 2025 according to our analysis should range between $6.71 to $7.72 and the average price of RENDER should be around $7.21.

Render price prediction 20 January 2025: Render's price for 20 January 2025 according to our analysis should range between $6.74 to $7.75 and the average price of RENDER should be around $7.24.

Render price prediction 25 January 2025: Render's price for 25 January 2025 according to our analysis should range between $6.76 to $7.78 and the average price of RENDER should be around $7.27.

Render price prediction 4 February 2025: Render's price for 4 February 2025 according to our analysis should range between $6.82 to $7.85 and the average price of RENDER should be around $7.34.

Render price prediction March 2025: Render's price for March 2025 according to our analysis should range between $6.85 to $7.88 and the average price of RENDER should be around $7.37.

Render price prediction April 2025: Render's price for April 2025 according to our analysis should range between $6.94 to $7.98 and the average price of RENDER should be around $7.46.

Render price prediction May 2025: Render's price for May 2025 according to our analysis should range between $7.02 to $8.07 and the average price of RENDER should be around $7.55.

Render price prediction June 2025: Render's price for June 2025 according to our analysis should range between $7.10 to $8.17 and the average price of RENDER should be around $7.64.

Render price prediction July 2025: Render's price for July 2025 according to our analysis should range between $7.18 to $8.27 and the average price of RENDER should be around $7.72.

Render price prediction August 2025: Render's price for August 2025 according to our analysis should range between $7.27 to $8.36 and the average price of RENDER should be around $7.81.

Render price prediction September 2025: Render's price for September 2025 according to our analysis should range between $7.35 to $8.46 and the average price of RENDER should be around $7.90.

Render price prediction October 2025: Render's price for October 2025 according to our analysis should range between $7.43 to $8.55 and the average price of RENDER should be around $7.99.

Render price prediction November 2025: Render's price for November 2025 according to our analysis should range between $7.51 to $8.65 and the average price of RENDER should be around $8.08.

Render price prediction December 2025: Render's price for December 2025 according to our analysis should range between $7.60 to $8.74 and the average price of RENDER should be around $8.17.

Render's Long Term Price Prediction

Render’s long term Price Prediction below is a look at RENDER’s future prospect with regards to price. Render was last seen at $7.22, with a market cap of $3,741,724,492 and trading volumes of $91,636,329. RENDER’s price prediction is possible by analyzing historical price action, current developments and social sentiment from the community.

YearsAvg PriceLowest PriceHighest Price

Render price prediction 2025: Render's price for 2025 according to our analysis should range between $6.61 to $9.91 and the average price of RENDER should be around $8.26.

Render price prediction 2026: Render's price for 2026 according to our analysis should range between $7.61 to $11.42 and the average price of RENDER should be around $9.51.

Render price prediction 2027: Render's price for 2027 according to our analysis should range between $9.28 to $13.92 and the average price of RENDER should be around $11.60.

Render price prediction 2028: Render's price for 2028 according to our analysis should range between $10.58 to $15.87 and the average price of RENDER should be around $13.22.

Render price prediction 2029: Render's price for 2029 according to our analysis should range between $10.82 to $16.23 and the average price of RENDER should be around $13.52.

Render price prediction 2030: Render's price for 2030 according to our analysis should range between $15.45 to $23.17 and the average price of RENDER should be around $19.31.

Render price prediction 2031: Render's price for 2031 according to our analysis should range between $13.39 to $20.09 and the average price of RENDER should be around $16.74.

Render price prediction 2032: Render's price for 2032 according to our analysis should range between $17.12 to $25.68 and the average price of RENDER should be around $21.40.

Render price prediction 2033: Render's price for 2033 according to our analysis should range between $18.28 to $27.42 and the average price of RENDER should be around $22.85.

Render price prediction 2034: Render's price for 2034 according to our analysis should range between $18.42 to $27.62 and the average price of RENDER should be around $23.02.

Render price prediction 2035: Render's price for 2035 according to our analysis should range between $28.98 to $43.47 and the average price of RENDER should be around $36.22.

Render price prediction 2036: Render's price for 2036 according to our analysis should range between $25.86 to $38.79 and the average price of RENDER should be around $32.33.

A Historical look at Render, RENDER’s price


11 January 2022
11 January 2023
11 January 2024
12 January 2025

RENDER/Euro Pair

11 January 2022
11 January 2023
11 January 2024
12 January 2025

FAQs about Render

What is the price of Render as of today 12 January 2025?

Render’s current price is $7.22 and witnessed a -0.12% decrease in the past 24 hours. RENDER/BTC pair saw a 0.0019% increase in the past 24 hours

Is RENDER a good investment?

Investing in Render, RENDER will purely depend on your personal risk appetite. As you can see over the past 24 hours Render’s price has witnessed a -0.12% decrease and over the past 30 days Render has decrease by -22.64%. So it all depends on if this investment will hit your trading goals.

How high can Render’s price go this year in 2025?

According to our latest Render Price prediction for 2025, RENDER should vary between $9.91 and $6.61. Please keep in mind that the crypto market is very volatile and this Render price prediction does not account for extreme wild swings in price.

How much will the Render be worth in 2025 ?

As per the Render price prediction 2025 model above, RENDER’s price for January 2025 should range between $6.61 to $9.91 with the average price for January being $8.26

How much will Render be worth in 2026?

According to the Render Price Prediction model above, RENDER’s price in 2026 would be $9.51. This price would however would range from $11.42 and $7.61.

How much will Render be worth in 2027?

According to the Render Price Prediction model above, RENDER’s price in 2027 would be $11.60. This price would however would range from $13.92 and $9.28.

How much will Render be worth in 2028?

According to the Render Price Prediction model above, RENDER’s price in 2028 would be $13.22. This price would however would range from $15.87 and $10.58.

How much will Render be worth in 2029?

According to the Render Price Prediction model above, RENDER’s price in 2029 would be $13.52. This price would however would range from $16.23 and $10.82.

How much will Render be worth in 2030?

According to the Render Price Prediction model above, RENDER’s price in 2030 would be $19.31. This price would however would range from $23.17 and $15.45.

How much will Render be worth in 2031?

According to the Render Price Prediction model above, RENDER’s price in 2031 would be $16.74. This price would however would range from $20.09 and $13.39.

How much will Render be worth in 2032?

According to the Render Price Prediction model above, RENDER’s price in 2032 would be $21.40. This price would however would range from $25.68 and $17.12.

How much will Render be worth in 2033?

According to the Render Price Prediction model above, RENDER’s price in 2033 would be $22.85. This price would however would range from $27.42 and $18.28.

How much will Render be worth in 2034?

According to the Render Price Prediction model above, RENDER’s price in 2034 would be $23.02. This price would however would range from $27.62 and $18.42.

How much will Render be worth in 2035?

According to the Render Price Prediction model above, RENDER’s price in 2035 would be $36.22. This price would however would range from $43.47 and $28.98.

How much will Render be worth in 2036?

According to the Render Price Prediction model above, RENDER’s price in 2036 would be $32.33. This price would however would range from $38.79 and $25.86.

What was the highest price of Render?

The highest price for Render was recorded in 17 March 2024 during which RENDER hit an All Time High of $13.53

What is the price of 1 Render?

The price of 1 Render according to current market rate is $7.22