Exchange Bitcoin Cash [BCH] to Bitcoin [BTC] or any other altcoin at best rates with this unique crypto-trading platform: CoinSwitch
What is Bitcoin [BTC] & what is Bitcoin Cash [BCH]
Bitcoin is a digital currency in which a record of transactions is maintained and new units of currency are generated. Bitcoin Cash’s main goal is to raise the quantity of transactions that can be processed by the network, expecting that Bitcoin Cash will be capable to compete with the volume of transactions. Bitcoin Cash was launched in August 2017.
Difference between BTC & BCH
Bitcoin is very similar to digital gold than cash. It is a store of value and money. Bitcoin was told as the strength of the global monetary system. But the use of Bitcoin in payments was very limited. People preferred to store gold and pay with silver, paper etc. Bitcoin’s role in the crypto market is very much similar.
Bitcoin cash has since proved to be bigger for payments. The transaction times are comparatively very fast. The fees are comparatively lower. Cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin or Bitcoin Cash get their value from how much they are adopted, used and demanded. We can estimate the both in terms of return on investment and growth.
Exchange the cryptocurrency from BCH to BTC
We can exchange BCH to BTC at best rates at CoinSwitch, as it helps in comparing the rates at all the available exchanges and suggests you to choose the best one. It is very easy to operate on Coinswitch as you don’t have to create wallet here and you can transact from your own already existing private wallet. I am sharing the process of converting Bitcoin from Bitcoin Cash here via Coinswitch platform.
Select BCH on the left and BTC on the right; enter the amount of BCH you need to exchange. This will display the quantity of BTC at the current exchange rate. Now you have to click ‘View All Offers’ button.
Here you will get the list of all exchanges with Bitcoin [BTC] quantity they are proposing. Select the best exchange to convert Bitcoin Cash [BCH] to Bitcoin [BTC] or choose the one suggested by CoinSwitch. Here it will show the Bitcoin Cash [BCH] address of the exchange. Now you have to send BCH from your wallet to that address.
As soon as the exchange will receive your BCH then it will process the Bitcoin [BTC] conversion. The transaction is completed, and now you can check your Bitcoin [BTC] wallet with the updated numbers of Bitcoin.
Top Bitcoin Wallets in 2019
Bitcoin Wallet is a place where you can keep the coins. To create a Bitcoin wallet, you essentially first select which type of wallet you want, i.e., Hardware Wallet, Paper Wallet, Desktop Wallet or Online Wallet as a platform for your cryptocurrency. The user shall be aware of Bitcoin wallet details before storing it in a wallet.
Some of the best Bitcoin wallets in 2019 are Ledger Nano S, Trezor, Keep Key, Exodus, Electrum wallet, copay, armoray, bitcoin wallet, guarda, grenaddress, bread, airbitz, mycelium, jaxx, coinomi, bitcoin core, bitcoin paper wallet, opendime, strong coin, bitpay wallet, coolwallet, imToekn wallet. You can visit to get more details about the best Bitcoin Wallets available in 2019.
Most Secure Bitcoin Platform in 2019
Choosing a cryptocurrency exchange platform can be confusing and stressful task. Before selecting on any trading portal you should find out if the exchange has office address that can be verified or available in your country and area. You also should check the cryptocurrencies your exchange is dealing with or providing you to option to trade in. Bitcoin is the very popular currency and is available with most of the exchanges.
Coinswitch has a numerous number of buyers and sellers and provides hassle-free trading. There shall be two-factor verification and also the phone/email authentication to make the transaction safe. Coinswitch takes care of all the safety actions and provide you secure trading history.
Coinswitch provides you 24*7 customer support platform where the queries are getting resolved on priority and very fast since they have a very dedicated customer support team. Coinswitch helps you in buying the Bitcoin via credit card and the same is very easy to trade in. Reputation of Coinswitch is very good in the market as per the reviews of Investors on the forums.