AUSTIN, TX. – Aug 2, 2018 – Timicoin/TimiHealth on July 20, 2018, while at the Blockshow in Las Vegas, will be launching the TimiDNA Two Million Timicoin Giveaway. The first 100,000 individuals who upload their DNA data to the TimiDNA platform will receive 20 Timicoins.
Will Lowe, founder of Timicoin/TimiHealth said:
“We want to be the first organization to actually pay you for your DNA data! Your data will be secure in our blockchain technology, and to you will have the ability to profit from it in our tokenized TimiDNA ecosystem, if you so choose. You will own it, control it, and monetize it.”
Individuals who already have DNA results through another source can access easy-to-use tools within TimiPatient to download and securely store those results. Once an individual’s data is in the TimiPatient app, he/she will own it, control it, and have the ability to utilize it as an asset which can be monetized.
Dr. Jim Bonnette, TimiHealth’s clinical advisor stated:
“We are on a mission to tokenize consumer’s DNA information and allow them to first secure the data in a highly secure distributed TimiDNA blockchain, while giving them the ability to sell or not sell that data to researchers. Other genetics-based organizations are making money off the backs of consumers’ data often with no knowledge by the consumer that it is happening. They are cutting deals with big pharma and even doing equity swaps in partnerships to leverage the data for making new drugs. We simply believe consumers need to be the ones in control, be the ones to actively decide to participate and be empowered to profit instead of these companies.”
TimiDNA offers individuals unprecedented privacy and control over their DNA data.
Joyce Lignell, Chairwoman of TimiHealth’s Advisory Board said:
“TimiHealth’s mission is to turn an individual’s very personal health data back over to each individual who will then own and control it. It’s the perfect moment in history where the technology can truly support the governmental and consumer outcry for individuals to own their own data. The California Consumer Privacy Act of 2018 is an example of where the future of the ownership of data is going, and individual control and transparency is exactly what TimiHealth is aligned with.”
To know more, click here.